Meet Aurora! Her name, inspired by the first light of dawn and the stunning natural light display in the Earth’s sky, captures the essence of new beginnings and endless possibilities. In her delicate beauty and harmonious color palette, Aurora invites us to look closely at the sky, to see the shapes and figures hidden in the clouds, and to reflect on the tint our minds give to our day-to-day lives.
This piece is very delicate, with a reduced but harmonious color palette. It features an intriguing use of transparencies, where the flowers blend into the clouds and intertwine with light shadows, creating an exquisite balance between the elements.
Concept and meaning:
Looking at the sky allows each individual to discover different shapes and figures in the clouds. Similarly, our mind filters and colors our perception of the surroundings. We can choose to see beauty and positivity in all situations if we set our minds to it. This piece invites you to reflect on the tint your mind is giving to your day-to-day life.